I did Natalie's room before I was even pregnant with her. I get very sick when I am pregnant so Lori came up and helped me paint stuff. We did it all in brown and cream. That way if I had a boy we would add blue. If I had a girl we would add pink. I started out by painting one wall brown and the other furniture brown to match. We spray painted the crib cream and the other 3 walls to match the crib. I wish I had before pictures. It was just a white room and all the furniture was oak.

This picture I took when Natalie was still in her crib. Now she is in this toddler bed. I made her the quilt. The bed skirt I made out of tulle. Their is this store called Ty Imports that sells tulle in 6" or 12" rolls. They have every color you could imagine. It was nice not cutting all that material.

The chair was from TJMaxx/Homegoods. Love that store!

This is also a fun way to display pictures. That way you don't have tons of pictures all over the place. I got a poster frame and painted it brown. I arranged the pictures the way I wanted them and made a border with ribbon. My kids love looking at them and so do I!

These were from Tia Pan Trading at the tent sale. I can't remember how much they were but they were a great price.

These you can find in many decorating stores. I think I got this one at Rod Works.

This picture is from IKEA. Lori and I stood in line the day they opened and got gift cards. It was like the day after Thanksgiving sales but in the summer.

Most of the things in this picture were from Hobby Lobby.